SPJ Guest Lecture: RonNell Andersen Jones

Come one, come all to the SPJ-BYU guest lecture this Thursday!

Thursday, February 18 @ 11:00 a.m.
Brimhall Building atrium

RonNell Andersen Jones will lend her epxertise to the fierce national debate over whether reporters should have to hand over their confidential sources to the government. Ask your communications professors about receiving extra credit for attendance! Refreshments will be served.

Jones is an associate professor of law at Brigham Young University’s J. Reuben Clark Law School, where she teaches constitutional law, First Amendment, and media law.
After graduating first in her law school class, Professor Jones clerked for the Honorable William A. Fletcher on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and for Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the United States Supreme Court. Before entering academia, she was an attorney in the appellate division of Jones Day, where her work focused on Supreme Court litigation and included major constitutional and First Amendment cases.

A former newspaper reporter and editor, Professor Jones researches and writes on legal issues affecting the press and on the intersection between media and the courts. She is a regular presenter at media law conferences and served as the director of the 2007 Media Subpoena Study, a nationwide study of the frequency and impact of subpoenas served upon newspapers and television newsrooms. Her work on the project has been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post and USA Today, as well as on MSNBC, Fox News and National Public Radio.

Professor Jones team-teaches with Justice O’Connor an annual course about the United States Supreme Court at the University of Arizona, where Professor Jones was a Distinguished Faculty Fellow from 2004 to 2008.


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